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The human body can be seen as a collection of different parts, all working together as being one. Muscles move the body, bones give the body structual strength, some organs sense, some organs are like a chemical factory, and so on. The brain's task is to manage the information. The brain gathers information and makes choices based on previous experiences. The choices are amplivied towards the rest of the body and next to the world that's surrounding the body.

Information from the body and patterns from the brain's memory enter the brain's mental process. A small part of the mental process is the conscious area that is like a personal virtual reality, which many people mistakenly call "the reality". The information travels by fast electricity and powerful chemicals. Some think the information might also travel as sound through the body. The brain is constantly busy finding selecting and remembering patterns. The brains can recognize a situation that is simular to a previous & remembered experience, and predict what might be the next thing to happen, or what will probably be the result of your actions.
But it doesn't really matter how it works exactly, point here is that it somehow works.

The purpose of a brain in a living organism, is to guide it successfully through the world it's in. But it's not necessary for all living organisms to have large complex brains. All the species with small or no brains have proven that for millions of years.

Some creatures live in a collective, like bees and ants. Each individual is pretty dumb, but together they manage great things. There's no smarter individual telling the others what to do, each individual just does its thing. Together they're pretty smart.

What makes the human brains different from these of most other animals, is the ability to "imagine how it would be if .. ". To improvise based on previous experiences. Experiments will bring new knowledge about what does or doesn't work, what results certain actions will probably have. The more powerful the brain, the more of these experiments can be done in our virtual reality.
If the goal is to get something realized the easiest way, the way to go is to let somebody else, or something else do it. The question is "how can I make somebody or something else do the things that I want, without me having to invest much in it?". Also can other people and machines sometimes do things you could never do alone by yourself.
With the tools we created, we can create new tools that are more advanced, and with these tools we can create even more advanced tools, and I wonder if that'll ever stall.

By now people have found so many ways of doing things. That knowledge is way to much for one person to remember, so we write it down and we sometimes share that knowledge. We store and sometimes share: texts, pictures, movies, sounds, formula, numbers.. We also build tools to manage our knowledge with. What has has risen this way, is like an external brain.
By now we have become kind of like ants: each individual is pretty dumb, but together we sometimes do amazing things. If the technology that carries our shared external brain chrashes, our societies will go down also, so we should take good care of that.


A human brain is an amazingly large and complex, relative to a bugs's brain. But there is so much reality out there, of which we all together know next to nothing. We have such limited brains that can't even predict the logical behavior of one drop of water. I find it uncomfortable to know that I know so little. I don't even know how much I don't know!

The "I don't know border" is reached in just a few steps of thinking, which can be very scary if you like to be in control. What to do with this great mental hole of notknowingness? When searching for more knowledge, you might discovering tons of new stuff, but the hole stays open! Even worse; the more you know, the more you know what you don't know.

Simply keep on asking questions, just like little kids do. Without connecting to the internet, it often takes just two steps to reach the unknown.
A) What color is the sky? (on a sunny day)
B) Blue
A) What makes the transparent sky blue?
B) Euh...

A) Why does something fall down?
B) Because of gravity. The earth is a big mass, and mass attracts mass.
A) Why does mass attracts mass?
B) Euh...

A) Do you like to eat carrots?
B) Yes.
A) What is it you like about carrots?
B) Euh... the centerpart can be quite sweet.
A) Why do you like sweet?
B) I just do! Stop asking these annoying questions!!

Nobody has enough brain to know it all, and many people don't have the ability, room or will to think much deeper than usual. As every answer leads to new questions, one has to stop asking questions at some point. For one person, most of all "knowledge" is useless anyhow. Not asking many questions is easier.

Not knowing something important can feel very uncomfortable. Not much is certain when having such limited brains, so the question is: do you trust yourself and the world around you? Your body's purpose is to support you 100%, even when you're ill, although no body is perfect. But the world around you can be lovely as well as hostile. People tend to say comforting things like: "everything is possible, if you really want" and "everything will be all right" and "God will protect you", but that just ain't true.
Because we hardly ever know for sure, we have to guess all the time.
We have to be alert and guess what to trust or not to trust. But being alert all the time will cost to much energy though and will burn you down at some point. We are vulnerable, and search for protection. Feeling safe and able to deal with most situations makes it possible to be less alert.

I've always been wondering why people choose to be religious, and am a bit afraid to speak out my thoughts about it, because some religious people are so aggressive to anyone who thinks different.
Believing in an all mighty god who created this universe for a reason, a god that is pure good and has evening under control, a god who loves you IF you try to live like is written in a certain book -without questioning it. That must really comforting, if you're able to believe that that's probably true. It can provide peace of mind, relaxe the alertness, the believe that a good and almighty something is in control, that's even better than having a loving mom and dad alive.
Too bad that people made up so many different superior gods, and have been killing each other because of their fear their believe isn't the absolute truth. That's just silly and sad.
I'd say: believe what ever you believe, but do respect other believes. And don't just 'believe' something because your parents and friends do so too, or because your government forces you to do so, it should really be your choice (so first check out all other options!), otherwise you're just a sheep.
If you believe in something, that should always be open for change, because you can't know for sure.
If you're an all knowing creature, you can't be human, and I would like to meet you sometime.

I prefer to think "I don't know" about all things I don't know, which is just about everything. What I see I'll believe in, although I also know that "seeing" isn't equal to the truth, it's just the patterns I remembered from my point of view.


While the conscious mind might think it's pretty smart and in control, the rest of the body is hard at work, doing really important stuff that isn't easy to do, to name a few:
- Chemically and mechanically processing the food, water, air, sunlight..
- Store the gained energy for short or long term.
- Keeping the body's temperature and blood pressure right.
- Building new cells, duplicating the DNA and all.
- Reading the DNA code, and translating it, amplifying it to the right actions.
- Transporting newly build cells, other goods, and garbage to the right location.
- Growth
- Responding on trauma.
- Defending against some bacteria, viruses, poisons.
- Repairing damaged body parts -if possible.
- Getting ready for action or rest.
- The process of sleeping.
- Sending information to the brains, and receiving orders from it.
- Moving the body.
- Maintaning a communication system with fast nerves and powerful hormones.
- Last but not least: the whole sex and reproduction thing.
And all this work is done on nano scale.

The millions of cells in the 'other than brain body parts' have a different kind of smartness, not as complex as the big brains, but yet very powerful because of how well they work together. The body can be seen as a huge collective of cells, each cells doing its thing the best it can, all together as one. Comparing one human body to a mega-factory... that would be to a huge facility of machinery and would need thousands or even millions of people to run.

The best thing your conscious brain can do for your body, including itself, is to stay on the side line, trust it, and give it what it asks for. Do what you think would be good, but continuously check if your whole body agrees to that. The body and brains are one, should not be treated seperatly.

The main purpose of your body is to keep you alive and healthy. It's automatically taking care of you, 24 hours a day. I find that to be a very pleasant comfortable thing to know! But as every shape in motion wears down, and the body can't fix everything, the second most important purpose is to make new little people that will grow up to basically do the same, live the same circle of life. Or could the purpose of life also be to evolve in a certain direction, towards the highest possible quality/stage/purity?!

- but still limited -

Some creatures have no brains, some have simple ones, and some have large complex brains. We humans have relatively large and complex ones, compared to other living organisms on this planet. Not saying that a more powerful brain is definitely a better thing, but as there are no bigger brains walking around here, we tend to categorise human-intelligence as superior.. We will be in stress if suddenly a superior species came to visit us.

How would it be to have more powerful brains?

I see 3 way's to increase intelligence:
A) Increase the amount of individual brain power (more of the same).
B) Share knowledge, using Information Technologies, creating a collective intelligence.
C) Improve the quality of the information & processes.

The "more of the same" issue is not the way to go: I'm already impressed about how a woman can give birth to a baby with such a big head! A bigger head would be problematic in many ways. It might even be a good idea to design ourselves a smaller brain, one with less chance on turning crazy.

We tend to see ourselves as individuals, but each individual is a collective of billions of cells, working together as being one. If millions of people would free willingly participate in a collective type of brain, that would bring very powerful knowledge to benefit us all. Information technologies have to support this type of collective brain, so; our intelligence would then mainly depend on machines.
The world today isn't like how it used to be. It used to be so that everybody had pretty similar knowledge about people, farming, hunting, and building stuff, I imagine. Today people already work with collective knowledge and do very specialized jobs. We already have a collective brain, but it's very inefficient and unfair.

I'd say the quality issue is the most important one.

An important thing to do, is to backup the information triple or more times, on physical other locations.

- Protection (prevention and restoration) of processes that run crazy.
- Diversity, the keeping of many different opinions.

A large collective of individual brains, can partly act as one incredible powerful brain. This will only work if all individuals are in the collective by free will, and have a common shared goal too.
People aren't really shaped fit for this. Although a lot could be done, to take the reasons for fear of sharing away. Ways could be found to stimulate collective processing of knowledge. But I don't hold high expectations for this human model.

What good would it do to have more brain power?
I don't think it would make happier, so why bother?
Become "all knowing" is impossible, even for a collective of brains. So, how much brain power is enough? Knowledge equals power in a way, but a powerful brain comes at a price; it uses energy, can turn crazy in many ways, and I don't believe that having a mega-brain would make happier, so what's the use?
It can be used to:
- Gather more information
- Predict what might come, faster and more precise.
- Do high time virtual experiments to boost developments. (high time = a virtual reality where time runs faster)
- To get us to SF sounding realities, like: space travel becoming a normal part of everyday life, living together in peace, repairing any type of physical damage, preventing disasters, finding answers to the questions we all wonder about.

I guess it doesn't matter if you choose to live a simple life, close to nature and far from technologies, but then don't complain about all terrible things that could have been prevented or restrored by means of technology.

Then again, the universe is SO large that even a collective of superior creatures and machines can't know everything. Maybe it's possible to see the absolute fundamentals of this universe, but it's impossible to see all details. It would need to be a brain larger than this universe to predict with certainty what will happen next in this universe -if this universe is based on logic.

To go beyond our primitive level of personal intelligence, I guess the most important thing to do, is to acknowledge the limits of one human's mind. Even the people who we consider extremely intelligent have their limits, soon reached.

The game Go
The game "tick-tack-toe" isn't much fun after a little while because you'll discover that when both play well, nobody will win, the game always ends in a draw, which is boring.
The game "Go" on the other hand, is a real challenge -for a human brain. A mega-brain on the other hand, will find Go as boring as tick-tack-toe.

The human body is a complex biological system, each person is unique, and our surroundings are an indirect part of us too. Years of medical studying will make you understand just a bit of it. If there's a problem with your body, a doctor can try to help you, but his/her human limitations make it impossible to see the whole and every detail of you, unable also to know for sure what the effects of trying to help you will be.
But, a mega-mind-doctor will scan you for a second, and say "OK", meaning that all of you is understood at once.

Processing pieces
When a certain question is too big for one small brain to process at once, the whole task can be sliced into pieces. Each piece can be processed separately, one piece at a time. The outcome of these pieces can be the next task to be sliced into pieces for further thinking about. This can continue until the outcome is complete. The outcome though, might also be too large to understand at once.
More powerful brains could process that question all at once, not having to waste as much energy on slicing and stitching.
But an even larger question can put the bigger brain in the same situation.

What we do, and what mega-brains have to do also, is to not try to do everything with high precision. Not being 100% exact saves a lot of energy that can be used more wisely. So we continuously guess as we go.


If there's an infinite amount of stars in this universe, and a chance on life, there must be an infinite amount of planets with life sticking on the surface too. Life doesn't have to be like we know it, so that increases the amount of alien life. I don't know how endless infinite is, there might be a border to it, who knows.
Other living creature or machine or a combination of these two, that have evolved far beyond our level, must already be out there, in infinite amounts also.

It would be great to meet them, to learn from, learn how to live in peace and such. Less funny would be having them against us, for they could destroy us easily.

Question is; why would these superior creatures bother to visit us? There is an infinite number of planets with life on it, what reason could they have to get in contact with us? We don't try to talk to a bacteria, so why would they want to talk with us?

Giesbert Nijhuis