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A collection of videos about regenerative biotechnolgy

Be sure to see the episode "Fix me"
From the BBC series "Horizon" (December 2009)
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Dean Third, who has a congenital heart problem called Dilated Cardiomyopathy, examines a beating rat heart made in a lab with the use of stem cells.
Anthony Bath, on the right, meets Shylo Harris, who was wounded by an explosive device in Iraq. Shylo is the first subject in an experiment by the US military to re-grow missing fingers.
Sophie Morgan, who has a spinal cord injury, visited the Reeve-Irvine Centre in California, to discover if a breakthrough in the use of embryonic stem cells will mean that she might be able to walk again in the future.

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Labyrint. Aflevering over:
- 3D printen van voorwerpen/machines
- Hoe het menselijk lichaam zichzelf bouwd
- Lichaamsdelen bouwen, met behulp van biologie en technologie
- 3D printen met stamcellen

Walking Again After Spinal Cord Injury @EPFL
Neuroprosthetics and robot rehabilitation wake up the "spinal brain" and restore voluntary movement. ( Additional footage by Jeff Desmarchelier (Erebus films - Rewalk webdocumentaire) Rats with spinal cord injuries and severe paralysis are now walking (and running) thanks to researchers at EPFL. Published in the June 1, 2012 issue of Science, the results show that a severed section of the spinal cord can make a comeback when its own innate intelligence and regenerative capacity—what lead author Grégoire Courtine of EPFL calls the "spinal brain"—is awakened. The study, begun five years ago at the University of Zurich, points to a profound change in our understanding of the central nervous system. It is yet unclear if similar rehabilitation techniques could work for humans, but the observed nerve growth hints at new methods for treating paralysis.

Wired Science Body Builders from Linda Feferman on Vimeo.

"We visit with Dr. Anthony Atala of Wake Forest University and learn about how he's "cooking" and growing organs - unattached to human beings."

Alan Russell: History of Regenerative Rehabilitation
(from wiredscience)

Alan Russell: Challenges of Regenerative Rehabilitation
(from wiredscience)

Alan Russell: Future of Regenerative Medicine
(from wiredscience)

Giesbert Nijhuis

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