Navigation: LaesieWorks Inventions

On this page some inventions of mine.

I used to think that I should keep my 'great ideas' secret, get patents, set up a business, from which I could grow up to the next level of my "inventive empire".

Now, after losing my health by accident, I know that it's most important to be as healty as possible, to have a good time with some real friends, and to be busy with whatever I enjoy doing.

I love puzzling for new solutions, and to perform experiments.
A good idea though, is nothing more than that; just a good idea.
To make it real, requires a great lot more: time, effort, cooperation, and resources. Especially if it is to become a product for a large market.

The road from a good ideas to real product, can go something like this:
- Come up with a good idea.
- Check if it really is as good an idea as it seemed to be at first thought.
- Decide if this is the idea that could be a winner, better than all the other 'golden ideas' of ya.
- Investigate if your idea really is new. First time in human history?
- If your idea is kind of out there already, investigate if that is free of protection.
- Get patents, if necessary and if possible.
- Set it all up: Find good people to work with, find budget, a place to work, and such.
- Get ready to hit some walls; major resistances within your business that you didn't expected. Big set backs to overcome.
- Very likely will you run into other companies's patents and other resistance. Either you'll pay the ones who own the rights, or your journey will end here.
- Very likely will others copy your work.
- Very likely will you have to spend a lot in legal right fights.
- And very likely will you loose major conflicts with others.

If all goes fair, one person with a good case can win a battle from a giant. But it is logical to expect a foxy game from your opponent, on the edge of ethical acceptable, intended to make you lose.

I can't deal with all of that by myself.
I could therefore bring together a large group of people and companies, or join an existing group that is already powerful enough to join the patent fight.
But in my case; I am not healthy enough to do any of that now.

Most new ideas are a just new functional combination of resent ideas. But as many resent ideas are protected nowadays, it is almost impossible for a small inverntor to get anything done. I contacted a large company some years ago, because I had an idea that seemed to fit there business well. They didn't want to talk to me because: "that could give you an opportunity to sue us"...
Businesses get scared and stuck because of all protection. What was the original idea of patents? To get businesses to flourish? Well, something went wrong I'd say.

Can we think of a system that does rid of the patent wars?
Simply sharing everything will probably not work, because being rewarded for your work is an important motivator:
- recognition, good references, more privileges.
- financial reward, to pay the bills with.
- access to capital, to invest in the next project.
What structure can we think of that will work better than what we have today?

I would love to live in a world where most all ideas can be shared, while at the same time getting enough recognition for your work, being able to life well and develop new stuff. Wouldn't that benefit us all? It's a shame to let ideas disappear in the grave, so that's why I show some of them here on the internet.

Giesbert Nijhuis

"I have a great solution! ..but you may not use it"
I made a drawing for a T-shirt about that:

A wheelchair cushion to prevent pressure wounds with
(from around 1999)

Pressure wounds can have terrible even deadly consequences. There are lots of wheelchair cushions on the market that are designed to prevent pressure wounds, but I had troubles with all the cushions I tried. They hurt me and caused redness, the early stages of pressure wounds. I frequently had to stay in bed to let it heal.
So I then decided to design my own cushion, and I did with success. I've been sitting on my LaesieCushion for about twelve years now, without much troubles. The cushion feels as if it were filled with gell, but it's actually air, which is of lower weight and not cold.

Read and see more about it here and on Patient Innovation

A method for mixing chemicals, maybe similar to the quality of spider silk.
(March 2004)

The quality of biological structures is often extremely high because they are build at nano-scale. Spider thread for example, is very strong, flexible, and light weight. We want to make that ourselves!

I've always been inspired by the motions in a vortex. I thought a vortex could mix two ore more chemicals really well. When pulling out some fluid from a tiny tube in the center, a vacuum is created. This pressure difference can shoot two or more chemicals in the vortex chamber, in a vortex style, mixing them in a very fine and organized fashion. This mixing device can be very small, and multiple mixers can be combined, twisting multiple dreads into one bigger and even stronger one. I guess that's how spiders do it


Invention: SunWindmill
Invention date: 1990
Inventor: Giesbert Nijhuis
Short description: The sun rays heat up a very large area of  heat absorbing surface. This surface warms up air. The warm air wants to rise, but it can not rise because of glass (or plastic ) that's above the whole heat absorbing area. But there is one place where the warm air can rise: a huge & very high chimney. The suction in the chimney can drive a turbine, and the turbine can generate electricity.
Advantages: "green" energy, a renewable-energy power plant.
Problems? There has to be sunlight and not too much wind for it to work well. Solar cells might be cheaper and more efficient. The effect on the environment is unknown.
The sunwindmill has been an idea of mine, which I showed at an investors office.. they laughed about it! This was in about 1990, but it has been in my mind since I was a kid, since about 1984. Anyhow, I found out I'm not the only one who had this idea, It has been around since 1931! I'm very glad people are now realizing that idea.
Google for:
solar chimney power plant, solar tower technology.
Or in German: aufwindkraftwerk


Invention: Windmill Gate
Invention date: 2000
Inventor: Giesbert Nijhuis
Short description: This specific gate is always very windy, because the building blocks the wind. This building is part of a "green" project in Amsterdam, but the power of this windy gate is lost, and most energy used is from dirty sources...
Advantages: "green" energy, near your home.
Problems? It's often more energy efficient, safe, and less noisy to choose a remote location, were you can place huge windmills. On top of these buildings would be an improvement already. The design of this gate combined with these traditional shaped wind turbines is a poor choice, obviously.
I've seen much better designs, on top of sky scrapers, inbetween two large buildings. This was more of a spontaneous action because I found it kind of dumb for a green neighborhood not to use this powerful green energy. I wonder if a safe and silent solution could one day become common sight in cities.


Invention: Cold turbine gas engine
Invention date: 1993
Inventor: Giesbert Nijhuis
Short description: A gas turbine engine with a turbine driven by cold air instead of hot air. Goal: An easy to build, fuel efficient gas turbine engine. A gas turbine engine is a beautiful engine: its mass/power ratio is good, there are few moving parts and the fuel burning process is very clean compared to other fuel burning engines. A complex part though is the turbine, because it is placed in hot exhaust gasses. My invention is a turbine driven by cold air instead of hot exhaust gasses. The hot exhaust gasses suck cold air into the exhaust pipe, the new cold air stream now drives the turbine.
Advantages:  A cold turbine is  much easier to construct than a hot turbine, and the burning temperature can be higher than with normal gas turbines, so the fuel can burn cleaner.
Problems? The air suction might not be strong enough to drive the turbine.
Yes, I still haven't seen this anywhere else!
Down here, a photo of an air sucking exhaust pipe, to cool and/or reduce sound or heat signature. That's not the same.

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